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My Accidental 5-Mile Run 😓

Updated: Aug 3

Last Sunday, I completed my #YouChoose Challenge, a part of The Blueprint program’s Week 4 assignments. The task was to run a 5K distance. 🏃

Those familiar with my fitness journey know that getting back into running has been a challenge. I had planned to start running again at the beginning of the year, but it was an unsuccessful attempt. My heart and mind just wasn’t in it. 🫠

However, this time it was different. I set out to run 5K, only to realize midway that my watch was set to miles instead of kilometers. I had unknowingly run 5 miles!🤣 

It took me nearly an hour to realize this when I saw that I was still at 4.8 and I couldn’t help but laugh and got excited at the same time.

This accidental 5-mile run proved to be an enlightening experience.

1. I discovered that I could run non-stop for almost an hour without feeling exhausted or cramping, except for a few blisters.

2. My lower back, which had caused difficulties in previous attempts, didn’t hurt this time.

I’m proud to share that I completed 5.42 miles (8.7 kilometers) in 57 minutes, which I believe is a commendable comeback. 😍

This achievement would not have been possible without the consistent training from The Fitness Architect Virtual classes over the past 4 weeks.

I’m proud of this personal victory and inspired by my fellow program participants who continue to excel in their respective programs.

I joined this program to rekindle many aspects of what I used to do, and it has indeed helped me achieve that.

I can proudly say that I am finally ready to come back to running again!

In other news, the 6th season of the program ends next week, and we’ll also be celebrating the 2nd anniversary of TFA Virtual.

We got this, squad! Let’s keep smashing our goals! Just Show Up! 👊🏽

Lots of Love,

The Fitness Architect 🏋🏽🖊️📐

#JustShowUp 🧡

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Well done! 😍💪🏼

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