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Showing up is hard. But let me make it easier for you. It's time to build a sustainable fitness routine that suits your lifestyle.


For any concerns, issues and further inquiries or possible collaborations, please reach out to us by filling the form below.

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  • I Want To Lose Weight. How Fast Can I Achieve It? In A Gym Or At Home?
    Results come from hard work. It doesn't matter where you do it. Each person who got the results they wanted undoubtedly gave tremendous effort. Learn to build something that you can sustain for the rest of your life, and when you understand this principle, you'll have a clearer vision of your progress. Understand that going through slow progress is important because you are investing an amount of time to dig into the components that will complete the blocks of a healthy lifestyle. You can always dial up a notch as you progress, but that would mean a higher amount of focus and consistency. Your results may not be groundbreaking at the start, but it is an essential point for all to understand that you shall get the results you deserve.
  • What Do I Need To Join The Architect’s Blueprint?
    You need to have a valid membership that will last until the duration of the 6-week Challenge and of course, your full commitment towards completing the full cycle.
  • Is The One-On-One Personal Training Done In A Gym Or At Home?
    It can either be in both. If you have enough equipment at home to suffice the program, this can be done at home. It is recommended that your one-on-one sessions are executed in your home gym or anywhere close to your proximity.
  • Is The Fitness Architect Academy For Fitness Coaches Only?
    It is open and recommended for anyone who gives online coaching. Our expertise caters to people who want to take their knowledge and wisdom to the next level but don’t have the know-how of social media and how it can drive sales to your personal brand.
  • I Don't Want to Lose Weight, But I Want to Gain Muscle Instead. What Class Is Best for Me?
    Our Superset workout every Tuesday and our LIFT Saturday workouts will take care of that. If you are looking to improve your strength game, then these are the right classes for you.
  • Do You Have a Physical Gym?
    Right now, we do not have a Physical Gym yet. We deliver our classes virtually, so you can do this anywhere you are. Let me know if you are interested in trying it out, and I will guide you to the next steps
  • Do You Offer Nutritional Coaching?
    Yes — we have our Resident Nutritionist who can take care of your queries regarding any nutrition-related topics that are a perfect complement to your virtual workouts.
  • Which Blueprint Category Suits Me Well?
    Depending on your goals, you have 3 Categories to choose from: Just Show Up, Burn & HIIT It, and Lean & Mean. Check our Blueprint section to see which category works best for you.
  • Do I Need To Switch My Camera On In A Virtual Class?
    Yes. This is mandatory. Your Coach needs to ensure that you are executing the moves correctly, and we ensure that our exercises are delivered safely.
  • I Cannot Make It To Any Of The Class Schedule? How Can I Join?
    Your journey doesn't necessarily have to start with The Fitness Architect. You can start by being as active as you can. Short run. Walk your dog. Bike and anything that can start your day right. However, we offer On-Demand Videos that you can access anytime and anywhere in the world. Although we always advise people to take the LIVE classes, these recorded classes are an option for you to get into the habit.
  • I’m A Beginner, May I Join?
    Yes. If you are new to exercise, no problem! You'll receive an onboarding message highlighting what you need to do if you are a beginner. Every class is different and can be scaled to your level. Our goal is to see your improvement, and our classes are designed to accommodate newbies.
  • Is There An Age Restriction?
    At the moment, we only cater to newbies aged 18 years old and above. Younger participants shall need written parental consent.
  • I Am Not From the Philippines. Can I Still Join the Class?
    Yes, of course. You can join us from anywhere around the globe. If you want to join our LIVE classes, please check our weekly timetable to see if you are able to make it; otherwise, we have our On-Demand workouts that you can do as well.
  • Can I Do the Workouts From a Gym?
    Yes, of course. We have current members who are doing it either from their building gym or a gym that they've signed up for.
  • I Don't Have Any Equipment. Can I Still Join the Class?
    Yes. You don't need any equipment right now, so it is okay even if you don't have any. Our classes are designed to accommodate both Cardio and Strength moves. However, based on experience, our existing members enjoy the Strength classes, so later — if you decide to become a regular member — you can always invest in some basic equipment such as a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells.
  • The Virtual Workout is For You If:
    You do not have time to go to the gym and prefer to do a workout from home. You go to the gym but cannot find the right workout structure for you. You have not exercised before and want to start your fitness journey in an achievable and realistic manner. Your goal is to lose weight. But moreover, The Fitness Architect promises to give you a mindset shift that will help you achieve inner transformation. You should be exercising not only to look good — but to feel great as well. When you start implementing this very simple mindset, you'll find your true motivation.
  • The Virtual Workouts Are Not For You If:
    You are looking for extreme bodybuilding. You want to see results in a short period of time.
  • What's the difference between joining the Blueprint and attending my regular virtual workouts?
    There's no issue with adhering to your current routine, and if you're satisfied with it, there's no need to join the program. However, if you're aiming to elevate your performance and set a specific goal to achieve within a 6-week span, then the Blueprint is for you. If you're curious to see how far discipline and accountability can take you, we say go for it!
  • What If I Cannot Finish 6 Weeks of the Program?
    Depending on the reason — if you got sick, for example — yes, you are mandatorily advised to cease from the program. A full refund will be provided or a discount on our next program will be arranged
  • Is This OK for Beginners?
    Yes — in fact, the Just Show Up Category works best for beginners, as the very first thing that you need to sort out to maintain a much more sustainable fitness journey in your training is your consistency in showing up.
  • What Is The Difference Between Group & One-On-One Training?
    The group is delivered as a group during a class, while One-On-One training is done with Coach Leandro alone. A tailored workout is also provided to suit the goals intended while you are inside a Cycle.
  • Is the One-On-One Personal Training Done in a Gym or at Home?
    It can be done in both. If you have enough equipment at home to suffice for the program, this can be done at home. It is recommended that your one-on-one sessions are executed in your home gym or anywhere close to your proximity.
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